Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Gorgeous hair is the best revenge

Winters truly around the corner, even though as I'm typing away, the view from my window says another story. Whether or not the sun is shining, it doesn't take away the fact that its windy and freezing, so I've decided to share with you a few of my top tips for gorgeous healthy hair this November.
By Jaskiran Sagoo

The weather around this time of year tends to dry out our hair thanks to the heating inside our houses sucking all the moisture out. To top it off there's hat hair to deal with and split ends which all leads to a dull looking, flat mane. Now to stop this post from getting anymore depressing lets look at some solutions.

I love oil in my hair. Leave in conditioners have fancy packaging, big price tags and usually leave your hair feeling super soft, but in my experience can lead to hair becoming greasy fairly quickly. Instead I try to massage hot oil in my scalp and hair ideally once a week and leave it in atleast for an hour. Now there's loads of different oils you can try out there. I know the biggest worry with oil is the fact that it might smell even after you wash your hair, which isn't the case. Shampoo twice thoroughly and you should be oil free. I recommend coconut oil which you can pick up at most stores, but whats really made a difference in stopping my hair falling out is homemade onion oil. As you'd imagine it has a very strong odour but just after a few applications it has made my hair stop falling out dramatically.

For the last year, while trying to grow my hair, I've been using Kerastase Cement Thermique (the green one) and it's really helped seal my split ends and provides a strong barrier as a heat protector. I would recommend it for people who have hair which needs strengthening and protection. However over time I have found my hair has become quite dull, so my hairdresser recommended I change things up and try Kerastase Nectar Thermique and after a couple of weeks I've already noticed a difference. My hair finally has that shine again. I think its important to change your products depending on the condition of your hair and Kerastase products have worked for me. The packaging has recently changed and you can find it at 20% off on this link or the range is usually available at most reputable salons.

Alongside my Kerastase heat protector I also apply Organic Moroccan Argon oil. A few drops go a long way and have contributed to my new healthy hair. My cousin in Australia swears by it and persuaded me to buy it earlier this year from Holland and Barrett. It's now its become one of my top 3 beauty products. I also apply it over my body if its feeling particularly dry as its not too oily and absorbs well into the hair and skin. If you want to have a go, you can find it here. 

So there you have it, a few firm favorites. If you're interested about the onion oil, the lady I buy it from sells it for £10 per 200ml so please don't hesitate to e-mail us if you're interested and we can pass you on her details.

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